December 27, 2012

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions In An Interview

I'm sure that job seekers already heard this questions countless times specially to those who went hundreds of interviews already. And I'm pretty sure that it sounds irritating and stressful hearing it over and over again.

In order to reduce that feeling, you must be prepared and master the answers to the questions so that if you are asked again, you can answer it automatically.

Why People Are Not Hired?

Why I was not hired? The most common question to ourselves if we applied for a job and unfortunately rejected for the position we applied for. It is simply because we did not passed the interview.

December 26, 2012

Amazing Things You Can Keep In Your Refrigerator Besides Food

Your refrigerator is not just a storage for food but it is also a good storage for some items that you don't expect to be inside on your fridge. To keep the story short, here are the list of items that can be stored with a purpose.

December 19, 2012

Where Do Tears Come From?

Did you know that there are tears in our eyes all the time , even if we are not crying?
Our eyes are being washed constantly. They are bathed by a salty fluid we call tears.

Most tears are produced by the lacrimal glands in the eye. A lacrimal gland lies at the upper, outer corner of each orbit. Every time we blink, the eyelids bring down drops of tears from the tear glands.

December 12, 2012

How to Organize Your Resume

Resumes are traditionally divided into 5-8 sections that are intended to convey a good, if not excellent, introduction about yourself. A typical resume usually has all or some of the following.

Heading - your name, address, telephone or fax numbers, cellular number, and email address.

Objective - this part states the position you are applying for.

Summary - a short introduction to your skills, areas of expertise and length of employment.  

Work Experience  - a detailed listing of the jobs you have held along with a brief description of your work.

Skills - a variation of the work experience section,where you present more detailed information of your skills.

Educational Background - identifies the schools you graduated from.

Achievements/Interests - List down achievements such as awards, citations or seminars you may have received. Interest include your hobbies, pastimes, non-working activities, etc. Both are also optional.

Character References - a list of people who can be contacted by the employer to know more about you.