December 26, 2012

Amazing Things You Can Keep In Your Refrigerator Besides Food

Your refrigerator is not just a storage for food but it is also a good storage for some items that you don't expect to be inside on your fridge. To keep the story short, here are the list of items that can be stored with a purpose.

Camera film for instance, will often stay fresh beyond its expiration date if its kept in the refrigerator.

Candles won't wilt and lose their shape in hot weather if they are refrigerated and if they're stored for 24 hours or more in the fridge, candles won't drip when lighted.

Clothes that has been ruined by chewing gum can be saved if it's placed in the freezer compartment. This will make the gum brittle and make it easy to remove with a knife.

Hair coloring products lose some effectiveness in hot weather  but you can prolong their life by putting them inside the fridge.

Lipstick will hold its shape longer if refrigerated and lipsticks that was melted can be reshape after it's chilled.

Tulip bulbs will remain dormant until planting time if they're kept in the fridge. It is best to chill them for 60 days before planting.

Both flower and vegetable seeds will remain fresh longer if they stored inside a jar in the refrigerator.

Perfume and cologne retain their fragrance longer if stored in the fridge.