October 25, 2012

Tips Before Joining In Any Network Marketing

I was involved in a networking  or MLM before and I found out that it is very hard for my part because I don't have good speaking abilities and I am shy in front of many people looking at me. 

Well, maybe you are surprised I joined networking. My first reason is to " EARN BIG " , this is what all networking companies promises to all prospects that they've gathered to attend in a business meeting. Second reason is to get rich at a short period of time. And the last is to be known to all other members that I'm an achiever, but the big question is how can I accumulate all of this if I don't change myself first? 

So, I will give some tips to you before you give your hard earned money to your sponsors to give you the product and start endorsing it to others.

  •  Check the quality of the products or services they offer - before you join, do some research first about the product or services if it is stable or okay. It's also important to ask questions to members already if they are satisfied with the outcome. It is necessary to check if there are complains from the customer/user of the products or services the company is offering.
  • Change your attitude - if you are shy talking to people, a negative thinker, a quitter, a whiner, then networking is not for you, unless you change your attitude. Yes, change your attitude first and you will see that it is easy to mingle to your prospects and easy to promote the products or services you're offering to them. 97% in networking business failed because they don't have the "right attitude".
  • Find an active and powerful leader - a leader or sponsor are the same, you must carefully choose who you want to be under with. An active and powerful sponsor will help you build your down-line and achieved the success you want. It will make your life easier,  but you must make sure that you are learning also, don't be a parasite, learn how to become a leader because you will be building your organization. Don't give all the job to your sponsor. He will just guide you. Always bear in mind that you are the captain of your own ship and the creator of your fate.
  • Be ready for rejections - before you join in networking, you must know that not all of your family or friends will join under you because they are the first people whom you will ask to join in your organization. So be ready for rejections cause it's part of the networking.
  • Know that you will work hard first - there is no instant success, you must give 100% of your energy and time at first, but it's worth in the end. If you join, you will be busy in prospecting or finding leads, discussing the marketing plan and follow up the possible leads to join.
 As of now, I'm still on networking and it's doing good. I hope this tips could help you before you join any networking companies.  Just make sure you pick the right company because at the end you will be responsible for your own decisions. Happy networking : p