December 12, 2012

How to Organize Your Resume

Resumes are traditionally divided into 5-8 sections that are intended to convey a good, if not excellent, introduction about yourself. A typical resume usually has all or some of the following.

Heading - your name, address, telephone or fax numbers, cellular number, and email address.

Objective - this part states the position you are applying for.

Summary - a short introduction to your skills, areas of expertise and length of employment.  

Work Experience  - a detailed listing of the jobs you have held along with a brief description of your work.

Skills - a variation of the work experience section,where you present more detailed information of your skills.

Educational Background - identifies the schools you graduated from.

Achievements/Interests - List down achievements such as awards, citations or seminars you may have received. Interest include your hobbies, pastimes, non-working activities, etc. Both are also optional.

Character References - a list of people who can be contacted by the employer to know more about you.