October 29, 2012

Get Rid of Calories!

Take your pick ! Each of the following activities done for the stated time periods burns about 150 calories.

Photo credit to naturallyintense.net

  • Washing / waxing car for 45 mins
  • Washing windows for 45 mins
  • Playing volleyball for 45 mins
  • Playing touch football for 45 mins
  • Gardening for 30-45 mins
  • Basketball for 30 mins
  • Bicycling 5 miles in 30 mins
  • Raking leaves for 30 mins
  • Doing water aerobics for 20 mins
  • Swimming laps for 20 mins
  • Jumping rope for 15 mins
  • Shoveling snow for 15 mins
  • Stair walking for 15 mins
This activities are just simple and can be done daily. If you want to get rid of those calories in your body, do it now. I hope these activities will help you.

The number of calories burned is based on men and women of average size with average muscle mass. A smaller person with less than average muscle mass will burn fewer calories.

October 28, 2012

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective natural bacteria-fighting agent that contains many essential minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon and fluorine that are very important for a healthy body.
It is made by crushing fresh, organically grown apples and allowing them to mature in wooden barrels. This increase the natural fermentation qualities of the crushed apples, which differs from the refined and distilled vinegars found in supermarkets. 

These ten benefits of apple cider vinegar are just a few of the reported uses for it. The great thing about this natural remedy is how inexpensive and economical it is to the consumer. 

1. Weight Loss
Some theories imply that Apple Cider Vinegar helps to speed up the metabolism, while others suggest that it burns calories. A number of nutritionists also believe that combining Vitamin B6 and Lecithin with Apple Cider Vinegar is highly successful for weight loss. A suggested mixture is to mix 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with a glass of water and drink this before every meal.

2. Bad Breath
Due to its acidic properties, Apple Cider Vinegar makes a great remedy cure for bad breath. Simply add 1/2 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar into a cup of water and use as a gargle in your mouth.

3. Body Odor
Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective cure for body odor because it can help adjust the skin's pH level which helps to reduce odor-causing bacteria. For armpit odor, just wipe them once each morning with unmixed apple cider vinegar. For foot odor, fill a pan with warm water and add 1/3 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar, then let your feet immerse in this mixture for 15 minutes once per week. 

4. Diarrhea
There are a variety of causes for diarrhea and it should not be left untreated. Apple Cider Vinegar is an incredible therapy for diarrhea since the high pectin concentration acts as a protective coating which soothes the irritated lining of the colon. A suggestion is to add 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar to a large glass of water, and drink this 3 times daily while the symptoms persist. 

5. Constipation
Constipation can cause headaches leading to a bad mood, deprived sleep, and a lethargic feeling the whole day, at times. Once your constipation is treated, all the other symptoms vanish immediately, making you fresher and extremely active whole day long. Just drink a chilled glass of water and add few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every morning, helps minor skin rashes vanish and the skin texture also improves, leaving you radiant and glowing naturally. 

6. Detoxification
Apple Cider Vinegar is rich in natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes that makes it a great addition to any detox.. Its unique acids can bind to toxins and help the body eliminate them more effectively. Apple cider vinegar can also help to stimulate circulation and aid detoxification in the liver.

7. For soft and shiny hair
The main ingredient of Apple Cider Vinegar is acetic acid. Acetic acid will remove build up from styling products and conditioners and strengthen the hair shaft, leaving you with soft, shiny strands. It will also balance hair's pH level, kill bacteria, and is a cure for dandruff.

8. Lower cholesterol and blood pressure
The potassium and other substances makes the blood thinner and is helpful in controlling blood pressure. The fiber absorbs fats and cholesterol by expelling them from the body as waste materials.

9. Helps control blood sugar levels
People with a high risk of developing diabetes were able to have lower blood-glucose levels than healthy people just by drinking two tablespoons of vinegar with a glass of water before their meals.

10. Antioxidants
Apple cider vinegar have powerful antioxidant properties, which helps to reduce inflammation and slow down the progression of diseases. Antioxidants are compounds that help protect the body from the free radicals that contribute to degenerative conditions such as arthritis. It contains beta carotene which is a soluble and easily absorbable antioxidant.

Please consult with your physician, pharmacist, or health care provider before taking any home remedies or supplements or following any treatment suggested by this blog. Only your health care provider, personal physician, or pharmacist can provide you with advice on what is safe and effective for your unique needs or diagnose your particular medical history.



Invest Your Money In Time Deposit

The term "Time deposit" in the Philippines is also called certificate of deposits, term deposits or fixed deposits. It is another way of making your excess money more useful. Banks in the Philippines offers different rates based on the period of term and the amount of money you wish to deposits Time deposit offers higher interest rates of return compared to savings account. Here's a list of time deposit rates of some banks here in the country.

BPI Time Deposit Rates

BDO Time Deposit Rates

Allied Bank Time Deposit Rates

MetroBank Time Deposit Rates

UnionBank Time Deposit Rates 

Note : Bank gives different interest rates every week or for a certain period of time. If you're interested to apply, just go to the nearest bank in your place.

October 25, 2012

Tips on How to Save Money

Everyone wanted to save money for sure, but it’s always stayed as a dream and hardly done by many. If you want to save money, consider this question first. How much money will you save every day, month or year, where you’re going to put it, how long will you save money (for sure as long as you live) and what will you do if you have enough money already? Here are tips that can help you save money.

Photo Credit to: mediquickps.com

Have a goal first

This will motivate you to save money. The essence that you are saving is because you have a goal to achieve. Your goals might be buying a car, a house, vacation, capital for business, for wedding expenditure, for emergency purposes, and many to mention. It depends on you what your goal is.

Pay your debt

Pay your debt first especially those interest-bearing debts. The sooner or faster you pay off debts, less interest you will pay means that amount can be saved instead.

Discontinue using credit cards

Pay for everything with cash or money orders. This is to minimize overspending because if you are using a bank or credit account, you don’t know how much is in there. Compared to when you’re using cash, you can monitor how much money left in your pocket and know that you have to limit spending over.

Pay your bills on time

Pay your bills on time to avoid additional charges or penalties imposed by the billing company. Instead of paying additional amount of money, it can add up to your saving account.

List before you go shopping

List first the most important things to purchase before anything else. The purpose of list is to make sure that you bought what you really need or what you call your basic needs. Without a list you will probably buy items that you do not need. Buying all that you need in one trip can help evade another unnecessary trip. By making list, you can determine how much your budget would be.

Conserve energy

We pay our electricity bills regularly. If we conserve energy, we can save money from it. When electric appliances are not in use, unplug it. By unplugging it can save a lot of electricity compared to by just switching it off. Switch off lights when not in use.

Minimize eating outside home

Eat at home to minimize food expenses as we all know that food from restaurants or fast-food establishments are more costly compared when you cook your own food. If the wife and husband is both working , have a time to cook for at least thrice a week and then increase the frequency until you both are comfortable to the schedule.  

Tips Before Joining In Any Network Marketing

I was involved in a networking  or MLM before and I found out that it is very hard for my part because I don't have good speaking abilities and I am shy in front of many people looking at me. 

Well, maybe you are surprised I joined networking. My first reason is to " EARN BIG " , this is what all networking companies promises to all prospects that they've gathered to attend in a business meeting. Second reason is to get rich at a short period of time. And the last is to be known to all other members that I'm an achiever, but the big question is how can I accumulate all of this if I don't change myself first? 

So, I will give some tips to you before you give your hard earned money to your sponsors to give you the product and start endorsing it to others.

  •  Check the quality of the products or services they offer - before you join, do some research first about the product or services if it is stable or okay. It's also important to ask questions to members already if they are satisfied with the outcome. It is necessary to check if there are complains from the customer/user of the products or services the company is offering.
  • Change your attitude - if you are shy talking to people, a negative thinker, a quitter, a whiner, then networking is not for you, unless you change your attitude. Yes, change your attitude first and you will see that it is easy to mingle to your prospects and easy to promote the products or services you're offering to them. 97% in networking business failed because they don't have the "right attitude".
  • Find an active and powerful leader - a leader or sponsor are the same, you must carefully choose who you want to be under with. An active and powerful sponsor will help you build your down-line and achieved the success you want. It will make your life easier,  but you must make sure that you are learning also, don't be a parasite, learn how to become a leader because you will be building your organization. Don't give all the job to your sponsor. He will just guide you. Always bear in mind that you are the captain of your own ship and the creator of your fate.
  • Be ready for rejections - before you join in networking, you must know that not all of your family or friends will join under you because they are the first people whom you will ask to join in your organization. So be ready for rejections cause it's part of the networking.
  • Know that you will work hard first - there is no instant success, you must give 100% of your energy and time at first, but it's worth in the end. If you join, you will be busy in prospecting or finding leads, discussing the marketing plan and follow up the possible leads to join.
 As of now, I'm still on networking and it's doing good. I hope this tips could help you before you join any networking companies.  Just make sure you pick the right company because at the end you will be responsible for your own decisions. Happy networking : p

October 24, 2012

Plan to Work Abroad Tips

I will pinpoint some tips that might help you if you're planning to work abroad. I hope this would help you.
Photo Credit to: sainternational.us

    • If you want to work overseas, you must identify what is your special calling . If you did,  I'm sure you'll be successful in your chosen career.
    • Then get at least 3 years of solid work experience. Developing rapport and good working habits as well as being honest to your local employers will help you land the job you want. 
    • There is a demand for jobs in the fields of Engineering, Geology, HRM, Accountancy, Nursing and Physical Therapy.
    • Whether it is Chinese, Mandarin, Arabian, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Thai or English, it pays to know the local language and culture. No one can take advantage on you and it's easy to communicate to locals.
    • English is the universal language, speaking fluently in english means better communication skills and more confidence.
    • Work in a variety of jobs in different environments and with different people, doing so, you are equipped with many skills that will come in handy in foreign workplace.

October 23, 2012

What Causes High Blood Pressure?

This is a list of common causes of high blood pressure...check it out!

1.  Aging - as people age, their arteries become stiffer and the resistance inside them increases, making it more difficult for the heart to pump the blood through. The result is primarily a rise in systolic blood pressure.

2. Being Overweight - the primary determinants of blood pressure are cardiac output or the amount of blood pumped out of the heart, and the resistance to the flow of that blood within the body's arteries. People who are obese have much greater cardiac output than those whose weight is normal, therefore, their blood pressure also tends to be higher. It follows then, that obese are at higher risk.

3. Stress - when you are under either mental or physical stress, your adrenal gland pumps out epinephrine. The effects of epinephrine is, it makes your heart pound and your legs go wobbly when you screech on your car brakes just in time to avoid an accident. Although you might think that the epinephrine released during one single panicky event of fear would cause no long-lasting effect, there is evidence that the epinephrine released may actually be taken up by nerve endings and then released periodically. It could be possible for multiple blood pressure surges. If you have enough large and small stresses over the course of your typical day, you might end up with sustained high blood pressure.

4. Salt Intake - sodium excess leads to an increase in blood volume. When you ate a salty meal, it makes you thirsty, but the extra fluid doesn't just stay in your stomach. It acts to expand your blood volume, which in turn increases blood pressure.

5. Kidney Disease - there is no doubt that the kidney is involved in the development of hypertension. People with kidney disease often develop high blood pressure. Given this relationship, it make sense that low birth weight has been associated with development of hypertension later in life.

6. Excess Alcohol - you might get surprise while reading this because there are many articles promoting alcohol as a way to reduce cardiac risk. Yes, it is true that small amounts of alcohol do appear to protect against the development of heart disease(probably through its impact on HDL, the protective cholesterol,and on platelets, our blood-clotting cells). Alcohol raises HDL and seems to impair the function of platelets, thereby decreasing clotting. A reduction in clotting would reduce heart attacks by preventing a clot from forming on a ruptured cholesterol plaque, but while alcohol, in small amounts, is probably protective, it appears that at a level greater than two drinks a day for men, it leads to high blood pressure.

7.Genetics - It is clear that the interplay of genetics and environmental factors (weight gain, excess alcohol intake, excess salt and stress) set into motion the cascade that ultimately results in hypertension.

Photo Credits to: doctorq.ca