November 19, 2012

Top 6 Reasons to Quit Your Job
Are you feeling unhappy to your job right now? Are you experiencing loss of interest on your job? Then, maybe it is time to quit your job. I made a list to help you determine that it is time to quit your job. Take a look below.

November 14, 2012

What To Do When Earthquake Strikes

It was 1:20 in the afternoon today, November 14, 2012 that a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hits the Visayas region. The epicenter was in the municipality of Cuayan, Negros Occidental. Other neighboring areas also experienced the earthquake and its aftershocks. As of now, we cannot predict the time when an earthquake will strike but we can be safe if we know the basics of what to do when an earthquake strikes. Here's a list of what to do when it comes.

November 10, 2012

Work Personality List

I'm an employee for almost 2 years now after graduating from college. I work in a processing plant right now and assigned as an operator of a risky type of machine (guess what it is, haha.). Last day I was reading a book about how to get the job you want. To tell you frankly, I'm not happy on my job right now. I'm not passionate doing it and planning to resign and apply to the job I love which is in the field of designing. As I read the book, I learned that there are six type of work personalities namely listed below.

November 8, 2012

Tips To Avoid Dengue Fever

Dengue cases here in the Philippines is very rampant. The Department of Health (DOH)  reported a 16.43% increase in dengue cases in the country this year 2012. 

There were already 51,597 cases recorded from Jan. 1 to July 14, according to the DOH National Epidemiology Center’s (NEC) dengue surveillance report compared to last year which was 44,315 cases on the same period.

November 6, 2012

Network Marketing Do's and Dont's by Mike Law

Why did you become a network marketer? Most people immediately respond, “for the money!” However, this is not the real reason.

No one subjects them to the hard work of building a business just for little pieces of paper with the faces of dead presidents. The truth is you work in order to obtain what those little pieces of paper can bring you.

November 5, 2012

5 Christmas Shopping Tips

Christmas is fast approaching and all of us are excited. Christmas shopping has always been associated with last-minute panic buying, spending a lot of money, traffic and stress, but you can avoid this hassle by simply doing it early and being organized. Here is a simple list that can help you in your shopping.

November 4, 2012

13th Month Pay Computation

         December is coming and that means Christmas and the 13th-month pay for employees. As mandated by law in Presidential Decree No. 851 that all employers are required to pay their employees the 13th-month pay. The employer must issue the payment before December 24 of every year.  An employer, however, may give to his employees one half (½) of the required 13th month pay before the opening of the regular school year and the other half on before the 24th of December of every year. The frequency of payment of this monetary benefit may be the subject of agreement between the employer and the recognized/collective bargaining agent of the employees.

November 3, 2012

OFW si Juan: You are Pinoy IF..........

 I found this post from a friend's blog and I was smiling when I read this post. All of the characteristics written are all true and defines a " True Filipino". This characteristics makes us pinoy's unique, here are the first 10 traits we Filipinos have.
  1. You point with your lips
  2. You eat with your hand and have it down as a technique
  3. Your other piece of luggage is a "Balikbayan Box"
  4. You nod your head upwards to greet someone
  5. You put your foot up on your chair and rest your elbows on your knees while you eat
  6. You use a rock to scrub yourself in the shower
  7. You kiss relatives on the cheek when you enter the room
  8. You're standing next to eight big boxes at the airport
  9. You collect items from hotels or restaurants as "souvenirs"
  10. Your house has a distinctive aroma
To view the complete list please click the link below. Feel free to comment and give your suggestions so that I can add it up to list. Mabuhay ang Pinoy!

Tips on Being Active Everyday

Here are 10 Great Tips to Make Being Active...Just take your pick which suite best for you.
Photo credit to :

1. Park far from the entrance to the mall, grocery store, your office or friend's house.

2. Contract and relax all your muscles when you sit down.

3. Use music to pep you up during exercise and household chores so you will pick up the pace and get your blood pumping.

4. Don't leave your shopping cart in the parking lot, return it to the store. :-)

5. Lay-out the next day's workout clothes every night before going to bed.

6. Have an exercise plan for rainy days and when traveling.

7. Keep a log of all your activity including household chores and walking.

8. For the first few months, do less than you think you can. It will keep you coming back for more while you avoid injury.

9. Get in the habit of taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

10. Dance with your spouse, with your kids, with a friend or even by yourself when you're alone in the house.

I hope this will help you being active and healthy everyday! cheers! ;-)