November 3, 2012

Tips on Being Active Everyday

Here are 10 Great Tips to Make Being Active...Just take your pick which suite best for you.
Photo credit to :

1. Park far from the entrance to the mall, grocery store, your office or friend's house.

2. Contract and relax all your muscles when you sit down.

3. Use music to pep you up during exercise and household chores so you will pick up the pace and get your blood pumping.

4. Don't leave your shopping cart in the parking lot, return it to the store. :-)

5. Lay-out the next day's workout clothes every night before going to bed.

6. Have an exercise plan for rainy days and when traveling.

7. Keep a log of all your activity including household chores and walking.

8. For the first few months, do less than you think you can. It will keep you coming back for more while you avoid injury.

9. Get in the habit of taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

10. Dance with your spouse, with your kids, with a friend or even by yourself when you're alone in the house.

I hope this will help you being active and healthy everyday! cheers! ;-)